Monday, April 4, 2011


This exercise is a great, classical Pilates mat exercise that challenges the deep transverse, as well as obliques while adding an additional shoulder stability challenge.  There are many versions of this exercise ranging from beginner/intermediate to advanced.  This version is geared towards an intermediate level. 

Outline of the movement:
The legs are going to start straight extended towards the ceiling.  They will make a half circle moving from one side, dipping down in the center, and scooping up the other side returning to the starting position.

Starting position:
Lie on your back with your shoulders away from your ears, your ribs and shoulders sinking into the mat, and arms along your sides, palms down.  The legs are extended long towards the ceiling.  The inside line of the legs knits together so the legs will move as a unit.  Keep all of your vertebrae down on the mat and the bellybutton pulled in towards your spine.

Legs extend to the side:
Start with an inhale to prepare.  Exhale and reach the legs to the right with the motion of a windshield wiper.  Feel your left obliques engage grounding your left hip into the mat.  Start with a small reach to the right.  The half circle motion can get bigger as you gain strength.  Your spine and the back of your upper arms stay planted on the mat keeping your upper body stable as you pull your bellybutton back towards your spine. 
Legs Circle Down:
The legs continue on the half circle path by moving through center legs extending no lower than 45 decreed above the mat.  Check in with your shoulders, arms, and spine.  Everything should remain flat on the mat with the bellybutton pulling back towards your spine.  Try to complete the exhale just as you reach the center line.  Take another inhale.

Legs Complete the Half Circle:
Your legs will continue up reaching towards your left side now as you exhale again.  Your legs reach towards the left now grounding through your right oblique still grounding your spine and shoulders into the mat.  Feel your bellybutton pulling back towards the spine and a scooping feeling in your low abs as you continue back towards the center line. 

Repeat the whole exercise 4 times in each direction (reversing the circle).  Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

How to do a Pilates roll-up!

Try a Pilates roll-up! Start by lying on your back with your legs extended long on the mat and your feet flexed.  Initiate the roll-up with the top of your skull.  Nod and curl your head and shoulders off of the mat continuing by peeling up one vertebrae at a time while reaching your arms long along the ground until you are fully seated and reaching long over your legs.  Engage your transverse abdominus (your deepest abs) by pulling your belly button back towards your spine throughout the entire exercise (especially when it feels most difficult).  Reverse the motion to roll back down, laying down one vertebrae at a time back on to the mat until your head finally reaches the ground. Repeat 6-8 times. Enjoy!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Celebrate St Patricks Day with a Healthy Cleanse

Celebrate St Patricks Day
with a Healthy Cleanse

Spring is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate the Lion turning into the Lamb than through a Detox? This March 17th, say “no thanks” to the toxic green beer and “yes please” to the extra helpings of leafy greens. Let’s start a Sanctuary tradition of filling our bodies with nourishing foods and giving our bodies the cleanse they deserve to jump-start a healthy eating regimen for spring.

Recipe Challenge of the Month: Go RAW For A Day. 

 Fill your lunch bag with Broccoli, Cauliflower, Berries, Almonds, Walnuts, Spinach, Lemons, etc. And plenty of water! Try to go a day without coffee sweets or breads.
This challenge is inspired by Discovery Health Channel’s Dr. Oz who experimented with 9 people who had high blood pressure. By encouraging the group to eat 11 lbs of raw fruits, nuts and veggies every day for 12 days, the group on average lowered their cholesterol by 25 points, lost 10 lbs each and reduced individual waist size by 2.5 inches. Amazing!

Pose of the Month: Wind Relieving Pose

All that raw food may slightly upset bellies accustomed to a low-fiber diet. This pose will help move things more naturally.
Lie on your back on a yoga mat or your bed. Pull one knee into your chest and allow the other leg to stretch out along the floor. Hold for a 5-8 breaths, release and switch legs. Repeat as needed.

Media News:

Check out this blog from one of our postnatal Moms, Missa Goehring-Plosky!

Thanks to all of you for reviewing Sanctuary on City Search, Google and Yelp! If you haven’t gotten around to it yet, there’s no time like the present. It’s a huge help for the studio’s city-wide recognition and reputation.
See you at Sanctuary!

xo Kate